Thursday, February 15, 2007

So one of the "24" producers,"centrist Democrat" Howard Gordon (obviously the Colmes to Joel Surnow's raging Hannity), says they're cutting down on torture:

Fox's 24 will become less torturous, but not because the U.S. military, human rights groups and children's advocates want it to.

So says Howard Gordon, an executive producer of the hit thriller starring Emmy winner Kiefer Sutherland as secret antiterrorist operative Jack Bauer, whose interrogation tactics make oatmeal of the Geneva Conventions.


The decision to cut back on torture is driven by creativity, not criticism, according to Gordon. In its sixth season, 24 has become so torture-heavy that it borders on cliche, he says.

"What was once an extraordinary or exceptional moment is starting to feel a little trite. The idea of physical coercion or torture is no longer a novelty or surprise.

"It's not something that we, as writers, want to use as a crutch. We'd like to find other ways for Jack to get information out of suspects," says Gordon. "Our appetite has decreased. Personally, I think the audience may be tiring of it as well. My wife says it's too much."

He claims it has nothing to do with pressure from those peace-loving hippies at the military, but who's he trying to fool? It's clear he's a total pushover who caved in to pressure from a bunch of whiny liberal protesters who apparently think Jack Bauer should swap his gun for a flower. This is worse than when ABC caved in to these pinkos and had to edit their 9/11 documentary to hide the truth about Clinton. Gordon has allowed the last vestige of good, patriotic American entertainment in a wasteland of "blame-America-first" Hollywood liberal propaganda to be infiltrated by the enemy.

I'm so angry I could strap him to a sensory deprivation device, stuff a rag soaked with hyoscine-pentothal down his throat and pull out his esophagus at which point I would then it in a shredder and threaten to kill his family (I'd shoot his hippie wife in the leg so he know it's not an idle bluff), all whilst he is being electro-shocked by wires from a lamp clamped to his testicles, waterboarded, and violated by Ted Kennedy.

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